In the short term, the public sector will be able to meet its obligations, but a question mark still hangs over the mid-term future.
After this years strong economic performance, Thailands GDP growth is forecast to slow to 4% in 2011, as Thai exports will be affected by a decrease in global growth.
GDP growth in Slovakia will be lower in 2011 [3.3%] as a result of the governments austerity measures, introduced with the aim of reducing the public deficit to 4.9% of GDP this year.
Vietnam will remain dependant on foreign capital inflows, but these have not yet recovered from a plunge during the global credit crisis.
GDP will grow by 4.3% in 2011. To maintain high growth rates and attract more foreign direct investment, more structural reforms are necessary.
Um mercado doméstico em dificuldade contrabalançado por um ritmo de exportações em franco crescimento: este é o retrato mitigado do sector farmacêutico europeu para diversos países em 2011
Singapore?s trade is expected to grow moderately in the last quarter of 2010, and total trade and non-oil domestic exports to increase by 6-8% in 2011.
Em 2010, registaram-se mais de 6.500 novos processos de insolvência, o que traduz um crescimento de 31% em relação a 2009.
The economy of Indonesia has proved far more resilient to the global downturn than expected. In 2011 GDP growth is expected to increase slightly to 6.0% after a 5.9% growth rate this year.
Insolvencies in Italy will decrease by 5% in 2011 and the Expected Default Frequency has reached its lowest level in more than two years.
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