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29-12-2011 - Análise CyC

A global downturn could hamper a strong rebound in 2012 in Thailand

The Thai economy is expected to recover in 2012, with GDP forecast to grow 3.8%, helped by reconstruction measures, which will spur domestic demand.

A global downturn could hamper a strong rebound in 2012 in Thailand
19-12-2011 - Análise CyC

Bright, but structural reforms needed in Indonesia

Indonesias relatively low reliance on external demand means that it should be largely unaffected by a possible slowdown in global growth.

Bright, but structural reforms needed in Indonesia
13-12-2011 - Análise CyC

Vendas no sector do retalho caem até 5,5% em Espanha e Itália

Insolvências irão aumentar em 2012. Subsector de bens não alimentares é o mais afectado

Vendas no sector do retalho caem até 5,5% em Espanha e Itália
07-12-2011 - Análise CyC

Turkey, growing downside risks

The economy is expected to grow 6.7% this year in Turkey, followed by a slowdown to 4.5% in 2012. Inflation is forecast to remain high next year: at around 6%.

Turkey, growing downside risks
02-12-2011 - Análise CyC

Trading with Indian companies

Financial data in India is available for large corporations and larger mid-size companies. Traditionally, Indian business houses show only marginal profits, to avoid taxation.

Trading with Indian companies
01-12-2011 - Análise CyC

Growth will remain comparatively high in India during 2012

Although forecasts have been revised downwards, economic growth in India will remain high in an international context: 8.4% in 2012. Inflation is expected to slow down.

Growth will remain comparatively high in India during 2012
07-11-2011 - Análise CyC

The general business environment remains weak in Romania

The Romanian business environment remains poor, with a high share of informal activities and lack of infrastructure. Red tape and corruption are still major obstacles to doing business.

The general business environment remains weak in Romania
02-11-2011 - Análise CyC

Industry performance in the United Kingdom

Crédito y Caución sees a deterioration of payment patterns in construction and consumer durables, and clothing retailers.

Industry performance in the United Kingdom
31-10-2011 - Análise CyC

Worsening expectations in the United Kingdom

The worsening economic environment is affecting Credito y Caucións forecast for UK corporate insolvencies: from the 5% decrease estimated early this year to a further increase.

Worsening expectations in the United Kingdom
31-10-2011 - Análise CyC

Worsening expectations in the United Kingdom

The worsening economic environment is affecting Credito y Caución?s forecast for UK corporate insolvencies: from the 5% decrease estimated early this year to a further increase.

Worsening expectations in the United Kingdom

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